The Blogger Recognition Award

I have been nominated for The Blogger Recognition Award and would like to take a moment to personally thank Diana @thislifeasD for nominating me.  Please check out her honest and insightful blog about varying topics here.
About the Award
The Blogger Recognition Award is given by bloggers to other bloggers. This award is an avenue of acknowledging the hard work and talent of our fellow bloggers and allows their stories to be showcased and shared amongst a wider audience.
There are just a few rules that the nominees must follow
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post on your site displaying the award and describe why you started your blog.
  3. Write two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  4. Nominate and notify 15 more bloggers.
Why I began Transcending Thoughts

I began writing as a means to express myself without showing others.  Writing in secrecy, it was my escape from myself and the world around me.  Writing allows me to gather my thoughts that I have trouble verbally communicating to others and helps provide clarity for conversations with others as well as myself.  It also helps me reflect on my struggles and grow into the person that I want to become.  Originally, I wasn't going to show my writings to anyone, as they are incredibly personal.  But, I realized I probably wasn't the only person going through my struggles and therefore created Transcending Thoughts as a way for those who are experiencing similar struggles to know they aren't alone.

I have some advice for other writers and bloggers..

Write around the emotion you are currently feeling
Because my blog is about personal development, I often tap into my emotions while writing my posts.  This can be applied to any blog and any writer.  Tapping into your emotions helps you convey the story you are trying to tell to those who read your pieces.  It also provides a raw element in your writing that allows the reader to identify with your work.

Embrace the writer's block!!
Having writer's block is often crippling to writers.  I see it as a positive, because it allows me to branch out into other avenues of my creativity such as writing very short stories, poems, monologues, or even tapping into art.  With each of these creative outlets, you can find inspiration for your next post!  A wise author, Malcolm Gladwell, once said, "The writer's job is not to supply the ideas, the writer job is to be patient enough to find the ideas."  

I nominate the following bloggers for the Blogger Recognition Award and the links to their blogs:
1.  @Okamiandco (Twitter)
2. @RachaelAMcGuire (Twitter)
3. @Euniceleong (Twitter)
4. @stellar.wellness (Instagram)
5. @she30x (Twitter)
6. @learn2befree (Twitter)
7. @Thrivewithjanie (Facebook)
8. @larp_lady (Twitter)
9. @withlovethelms (Twitter)
10. @Belkassih (Twitter)
11. @oliviaandjae (Twitter)
12. @HeatherL_Graham (Twitter)
13. @alexis_clear (Twitter)
14. @seedyebb(Twitter)
15. @MatthewSilves1 (Twitter)

Congratulations to everyone nominated and I look forward to reading about your inspirations for your blogs/sites and the advice for other bloggers!!


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